The LogTag SRIC-4 is a single use temperature logger developed specifically for monitoring temperature sensitive products in both short haul and long-distance transportation applications. The SRIC-4 combines all the features of an advanced temperature logger capable of storing 3968 registrations and with a 6-month operating life in a robust and inexpensive housing.
The Red Alert indicator provides an immediate indication, without access to a PC, if any readings are outside the limits specified at the time the unit was configured. Green OK indicator provides immediate visual confirmation, without access to a PC, that the unit is operating. Enclosed in a robust and durable polycarbonate case, the SRIC-4 features a real time clock, which provides date/time stamps for each temperature reading.
Using the LogTag USB or RS232 and LogTag’s freely available companion software LogTag Analyzer, the LogTag is easily configured for recording conditions including delayed start, sampling interval, number of readings and configuration of conditions to activate the ALERT indicator. Readings are downloaded using LogTag Analyzer, which provides facilities for charting, zooming, listing data statistics and allows exporting the data to other applications such as MS Excel.