Escort iMini MS-ST-S-8 (single-use) 100-pack

 1.876,00 (excl. VAT)

Available on backorder


The iMini USB PDF single trip data logger with plug & play technology generates a comprehensive PDF report without the need for proprietary software or interface.  This user friendly temperature recorder comes preprogrammed as a 4 day, 7 day, and 10 day or any custom configuration including temperature, interval and start delay. With its newly expanded 4 alarm threshold capability, the iMini USB PDF is the ideal solution for the food, pharmaceutical and life science industries. The compact profile and lightweight design, along with the waterproof pouch allows this data logger to go virtually anywhere.
The receivers of the loggers will also experience the convenience, by simply tearing off a piece of the cover and plugging the logger into the USB port, the logger works like a USB stick. Use the standard office software to read the automatically generated files, or use the free Console Plus-software for Windows to analyze the data more specifically with the ability to zoom, map, view data statistics, and trim and re-export data.

Including factory issued statement of accuracy.

The Single-use loggers are delivered pre-programmed. Download and fill in the programsettings form and mail it to us as an reply to the order confirmation.

Additional information

Weight370,000 g
Dimensions0,000 × 0,000 × 0,000 cm